Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Thank You Cupcakes!

I made these cupcakes for a thank-you present for the doctor...

Christmas Cupcakes!

I'm annoyed I didn't get a good picture of these...

Another Farm Cake!

My brother requested this cake for his birthday. Not his 4th birthday. His 20th birthday...

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Get Well Soon!

My brother recently had an operation and I made this get well soon cake... he loves hedgehogs!

Friday, 18 November 2016

12th Birthday Cake!

I recently made this for a friend for his twelfth birthday...

Goodbye Cupcakes!

I made these cupcakes for a friend going back to Brazil after spending over 6 months here in Ireland...

Results Cake!

I made this cake in celebration of my sisters good results in her final exams...